Plasma donors are everyday heroes among us!

HAEMA Plasma Kft. gratefully celebrates its plasma donors, who, like everyday heroes of the modern age, selflessly sacrifice for others. From the valuable blood plasma they donate, special therapeutic preparations are created, which, through modern medical technology, help the everyday lives of people with anemia and immunodeficiency conditions, among other things.


Plasma donation

in three easy steps


Step 1: Suitability examination
The process starts with the entry of personal data, where the three key documents – valid identity card, residential address card, social security number card – are required. This is followed by filling out a short questionnaire and a thorough medical examination, during which we also take a blood sample. It is important to know that no plasma donation takes place at this time. You have to wait about a week for the results of the laboratory test of the blood sample, which determines whether someone can be a plasma donor.



Step 2: Plasma donation
When you visit us again, you will have another medical examination and get a short questionnaire. Here, we check your basic health status: your body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, hemoglobin level in your blood and your weight. However, by regularly checking these values, we also take care of your health. The actual plasma donation takes an average of 60 minutes. The duration also depends on how much fluid you consumed before donating.



Step 3: Expect good for a good deed!
Every time you donate plasma, you help a fellow human being, whether it’s saving a life or improving the quality of life. Haema Plasma appreciates this selfless act and rewards it with various benefits: cash, gift cards, nutritious treats and regular promotions. Your help is valuable and we want to show you how much we appreciate it!


What is blood plasma?

Blood plasma is the liquid part of the blood, which is a yellow liquid. This part performs the “courier service” of blood in the body: it transports red and white blood cells, nutrition and substances that are vital to the body. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the right places, white blood cells fight pathogens and help heal injuries, and platelets stop bleeding.

Why is it important?

Donating plasma can be life-saving, as medicines made from donated plasma are used to treat serious, often rare diseases, such as bleeding disorders and immune problems. Many indispensable, vital medicines for patients are made from plasma proteins. The contribution of voluntary donors is vital to improving the quality of life of patients. Plasma donors thus help not only individual people, but the entire community.

Who can donate plasma?

Plasma can be donated by those who are between the ages of 18 and 65, are healthy and weigh up to 50 kg, but not more than 150 kg. First, we do a medical exam and a blood test to make sure everything is fine. If the results of the first tests are good, then the next time we will carry out a medical examination, questionnaire and other necessary checks before approving the plasma donation. The plasma collected once is regenerated by the body within 2 days, therefore 2 days must pass between two plasmapheresis, so the next plasmapheresis can take place on the third day, but no more than 45 times in a year (365 days).

What is plasmapheresis?

Plasmapheresis is a special procedure where plasma is extracted from the blood and collected. This is done by taking blood from the donor’s vein, similar to blood sampling, and then using a special machine to separate the plasma from the blood’s shaped elements. After separating the plasma, the useful blood cells are returned to the donor’s body. This whole process does not hurt, it feels like no more than a normal blood donation. Nevertheless, plasma donation, like whole blood donation, can make the lives of many patients more livable.

About us

Haema Plasma Kft’s mission is to support the production of life-saving plasma-based medicines with the help of selfless donors, thereby contributing to the healing of Hungarian patients with serious illnesses and improving their quality of life.

Said about us

Questions and answers about plasma donation

If you have booked an appointment for plasma donation by phone or in person, you can cancel or change it by calling the toll-free number. Appointments booked online can be managed through our online booking system. You can cancel an appointment booked online for a suitability test using the link in the confirmation email.

If you have already donated blood in the past year, you can verify this information with the certificate you received at the blood donation and you do not need to donate whole blood again.

At HAEMA, you can donate plasma if you have a social security number card and social security number, regardless of whether you have health insurance.

Blood consists of different components: plasma and shaped elements such as red blood cells and white blood cells. When donating blood, the entire composition of the blood is removed, but when donating plasma, only the plasma is collected, after separating the plasma, the useful blood cells are returned to the donor’s body. After plasma donation, the body regenerates within 48 hours with proper nutrition and fluid replacement.

Of course, it is not mandatory to take advantage of this opportunity, everyone can donate at their own pace, 2 days must pass between two plasmapheresis, so the next plasmapheresis can take place on the third day.

The suitability examination is a thorough health check that starts with a vein check. If your vein is suitable for plasma donation, a comprehensive medical examination and blood sampling will follow. The lab results will be ready in about 7-10 days, and if everything is in order, you can now donate plasma. This procedure ensures that plasma donation is safe for both plasma donors and plasma users.

4 months must pass after the tattoo, ear piercing or piercing is done, after which it is possible to donate plasma again after a necessary blood test for a control virus test. This is due to the increased risk of infection.

We will inform you about the results of the physical medical examination already during the examination, and you will have to wait approximately 1 week for the results of the blood test. If we have your email address, we will send you a notification after receiving the results of the laboratory test. If you do not have a fixed email address and the lab results are not suitable, we will contact you on the phone number provided to invite you to a personal meeting. One week after the suitability test, you can find out about the test result and apply for the first plasma donation.

At HAEMA, we do not recommend donating plasma every 2 days because the body needs time to recover. It usually takes 3 days for the body to replace the proteins, ions and other nutrients in the plasma. Our doctors set the best donation intervals individually.

Certain medications can affect the possibility of donating plasma:
– Taking contraceptives does not affect if taken at least 3 hours before the plasma donation.
– If you are taking an antibiotic, antiviral or antifungal agent, at least one week must pass after taking the last dose before you can donate plasma.
– In the case of other regularly taken medicines, a medical assessment is required.

If you have specific questions, contact us on our toll-free number or in person at the Plasma Center.

Plasma donation is safe, because most of the blood plasma is water, and the rest consists of substances such as proteins and vitamins, which can be easily replaced with adequate fluid intake and proper nutrition. Donating plasma is not harmful to health if you follow the recommendations. Also, our donor examiners check the most important parameters at each plasma donation, for the sake of your health and the safety of plasma donation.

Donating plasma is not harmful in the long term if you follow Haema Plasma’s recommendations. The body quickly replaces fluids and nutrients, such as proteins and vitamins, if you eat and drink properly after a plasma donation. A healthy and balanced diet helps the body to regenerate quickly, which is why a healthy diet is important for plasma donors.

Patients receive medicines made from blood plasma with the support of social insurance, thus helping them to recover.

The Rewin gift voucher can be used in many places, so it offers a wide range of shopping options. You can use it in food, tech, home decor, beauty, books, clothing, and more. You can find exactly where you can redeem it on the page, where you can browse the detailed list of redemption places.

At Haema Plasma, after donating plasma, we recommend waiting at least 3 days before donating whole blood, then a 2-week break must be taken after donating blood until the next plasma donation.

The blood plasma

Blood plasma is the source of life-saving proteins from which special, irreplaceable medicines are produced. Since these proteins cannot be reproduced artificially, plasma donations are essential for people who suffer from this disease. Become an everyday hero yourself, donate plasma!

Booking an appointment

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If you are not yet our donor

If you are already our donor